“Cathedral Christmas” is back!
This winter, “Le Sablier de Noël” will stop in Lille, Brussels and Tournai.
“Le Combat des Anges” will be held in the cities of Liège, Namur and Arlon.
Tick tock, tick tock… If time does not make us wiser, at least it teaches us to live in hope, to the eternal rhythm of the hands on the clock face…
But, oh tragedy, on this magical night, the hours seem to have stopped their countdown! It will therefore take all the knowledge of the Christmas Hourglass to set the clocks back on time with its magic key, so that the twelve strokes of midnight sound, oracle of renewed hope!
Luc PETIT combines all the disciplines and the most innovative technical means in order to present, at each show, surprising and magical atmospheres.
And with the famous mime duo of the Frères Taquin
